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Sun 05 Jan 2020

Pakcage name: preshoot

Bewilder your loved onces throughout the whole life partaking in this kind of choice that comes to mind again and again.
Simply one of the best and convenient location for persons going on photo shoot and who seek vast photograpihic memory.
The place is heavily used by the leading photographers in Sri lanka as its humerous photogenic views and background is unbelievably unique due to aquatic surroundings.
Photographers are able to engage in any activities as the water is shallow and safe.
Even the snappers are well satisfied with our unparallel service. This immensely popular place was previously busy with seaplanes as its attractiveness of the surroundings.
We are equipped with various things including jet ski, Oruwa, kayak, canoe, theppama which help photograpic industry.

" Our background service is admired by the ex-participants. "